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Jesus Lives

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“The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Saviour!” Psalm 18:46

I have recently been listening to live music recordings of my favourite artists and songs instead of the studio-recorded versions. By doing this, I have re-engaged with songs in fresh new ways and I have felt more inspired and connected to the artists. Their voices are not just a predictable melody and tone singing words that I’m familiar with. The live versions have variations, raw emotion or they contain chat to the live audience, revealing the person behind the lyrics.

It occurred to me, that when we have been in a relationship with Jesus for a long time, it can become a bit like listening to a recorded version of a song. We can become so used to parts of His Word and the truths that we once discovered, and we just carry on listening to the same version, over and over again.

But there is a live version. Jesus is alive and wants to engage with us afresh each day. He wants to keep having conversations with us and deepen our understanding of Him. He has relevant things to say that will speak to us in each moment of our lives. He is literally there walking alongside us, He didn’t leave a recording of Himself as a reminder of Him, He ascended to heaven and God sent His Holy Spirit to live in us! God’s character doesn’t change, His truth stays the same, but we change, and we are able to engage with a new understanding of our relationship with Him if we keep walking with the risen Christ every day.

David knew the Living God and had an amazing relationship with Him. He engaged with God in good times and hard times, he hid nothing from Him and he poured out his heart into song after song which have been written down to help us. He reminds us that “The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God my Saviour!” Psalm 18:46.

Let’s pray: Jesus, you are our rock and saviour, help us to remember that you are alive and speaking to us every day. Thank you that you do not leave us, you inspire us and that there is always more to know and learn about you. Amen     

Liz Morris, 27/07/2022