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Restoration and renewal

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“I will restore the years the locust has eaten” (Joel 2:25)

Your summer holidays gave you restoration and renewal?

Summer was punctuated by a lengthy Prime Minister election, dire warnings about rising fuel prices, increasing inflation and the diverse impacts of the Ukraine war on our national life.
It is challenging to renew and restore yourself for a future filled with so many uncertainties. They impact your life, but you have no control over them.

During August, I sailed a big yacht hundreds of miles from Portsmouth to Falmouth, Cornwall. It started with a night passage for which the favourable forecast wind was force 4-5, which increased to gale force 7 - not forecast! Several crew were very sea sick during the night, so I and two others battled on to Weymouth for a restoration/rest day.

Re-charging an electric car battery takes time. Restoration takes time. We need patience when waiting for restoration and healing to full health. Waiting time is never wasted time with God.

Hugh Dunlop, 26/09/2022