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Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2023

This area of our website provides a variety of information relating to our 2023 Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), which was held during our Morning Service on Sunday 14 May.

Papers for the APCM

Here are links to the three key documents for the APCM

APCM 2023 - Book of Reports
APCM 2023 - Accounts for 2022
APCM 2023 - Budget for 2023


At our APCM,  James Thornton and Keith Nurse were elected as Wardens for the coming year.

Parochial Church Council (PCC) members

At our APCM, Anke Marais and Martin Phillips were elected as PCC representatives, to serve for three years.

Deanery Synod

At our APCM, Susan Armstrong, Cathy Hewett and Sue Reed were elected as Deanery Synod representatives, to serve for three years.

Becoming a member of the PCC

Have you ever considered serving as a PCC member? Are you a person of prayer who believes that God speaks specifically and guides our church? Do you have a good awareness of what’s going on across the life of our church? Would you like to help us manage a financial budget of around £400,000 a year and use our resources, people and time wisely for the kingdom of God? Then maybe this is the role for you!
Our PCC meets six times a year, helping to shape our church’s vision and strategy, and making decisions about finances, property and policies that support mission and ministry at and beyond HTR. Before each meeting you’ll receive papers about the items it will cover, so you know in advance what will be discussed, and you have a chance to decide what you think about them. Then in the meeting you’ll be able to offer your views, hear those of others, and together take decisions about what we do as a church.

PCC members have a formal role as charity trustees, and some also serve as members of other groups that support the work of the PCC. It’s a really important role! We will elect new members at our next Annual Meeting in 2024 but, in the meantime, if you would like more information, please contact Liz Morris.

The Church Electoral Roll

To be able to vote at the APCM, you need to be on our church's Electoral Roll. To become a member of the PCC you need to have been on the Electoral Roll for at least six months. To be on the Roll you must have been baptised, be aged 16 or over, and either live in the Parish, or live outside and have worshipped with us regularly for at least six months. You can apply at any time, and you can access an application form here or request one from the Church Office.